Hobby Shop Blast Gates

Hobby Shop Blast Gates


Air Handling Systems Aluminum Blast Gates are constructed of aluminum castings with a galvanized steel slide blade. Blast Gates can be disassembled for cleaning. Blast Gates are used to balance the air going from one branch to another branch. When another machine is used for only part of the workday, you can close the Blast Gate and divert the air to another machine.

*Same as Air Handling Systems Full Blast Gate

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Hobby Shop Blast Gates from Air Handling Systems are Aluminum Blast Gates which are are constructed of aluminum castings with a galvanized steel slide blade. Hobby Shop Blast Gates can be disassembled for cleaning. Hobby Shop Blast Gates are used to balance the air going from one branch to another branch. When another machine is used for only part of the workday, you can close the Blast Gate and divert the air to another machine.  These are the Same as Air Handling Systems Full Blast Gates.

Do It Yourself woodworkers have inquired about the use of our piping. Cost constraints were a major obstacle in the use of industrial pipe for a small shop. For this reason, Air Handling Systems has developed a complete line of DIY Hobby Shop Duct work. We have maintained all proper design characteristics of the industrial piping. Manufacturing in lighter gauges of galvanized metal has considerably cut the cost. The DIY Hobby Shop ductwork will withstand the vacuum level of up to a 3 horsepower dust collector. Size spectrum is 3″ – 7″ diameter for Hobby Shop Blast Gates. We look forward to helping you achieve a dust free wood shop as we have done with thousands of industrial wood working factories.

Additional information

Diameter/Part Number

3" 03GATE*, 4" 04GATE*, 5" 05GATE*, 6" 06GATE*, 7" 07GATE*


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