45º Tee on Taper. Fully Welded, Airtight, Stronger than most competitor’s products. 45º Tee on Tapers are needed to reduce static pressure in your dust collection system and improve the overall performance. Tee on Tapers are used in locations where the combination of lateral tee and reducer may be planned. Many others sizes of Tees available, call 800-367-3828 for quote
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Can you fabricate fittings like the 45º Tee on Taper like my local sheet metal shop? Yes, Faster, Stronger, and more Cost Effective! Our fabrication department is dedicated to producing quality products such as the 45º Tee on Taper. We are very well versed in creating custom components to fit your every need. We are here to meet your needs. We will handle any size order, from one fitting to an entire system. Call us at (800) 367-3828 to discuss your next project. All of our fittings like the 45º Tee on Taper are fully welded, air tight to eliminate leakage and give proper support that will last a lifetime. Leakage wastes energy and costs money. Ten percent leakage on a 50,000 CFM system will lose enough air to add five to six machines. We advise against using duct tape. It’s unsightly, the fabric deteriorates and it doesn’t have elasticity. When you need custom dust collection components just make a sketch of your requirements, with sizes of each opening, the length and width and if required mark openings small end for pipe or hose and large end for a fitting. Air Handling Systems is your local sheet metal shop.