Not only a woodworker, but a Luthier. Many of our customers are woodworkers, fine crafters of cabinets to mass producers of picture frames, but a Luthier is a rear, extremely talented and gifted craftsman; one who not only works with but also creates amazing music with their hands. One that builds a perfectly balanced instrument and can then teach one how to play; meet the craftsman, the teacher, the musician, Ron Pinkham, who also happens to be a customer of Air Handling Systems.
Upon touring the workshop, one comes to appreciate the expertise and talent that goes into creating the extraordinary acoustic stringed instruments that are being handcrafted. A handmade Pinkham guitar from Woodsound Studios might set you back a down payment on a small home, but for those that have the opportunity to invest in such a fine instrument know there is nothing better, just ask Don Mclean.
The staff of Air Handling Systems is pleased to be able to provide as Don describes “superior” products for his new dust collection system in his newly expanded manufacturing facility in Lincolnville, Maine.