Adjustable Vacuum Hose

Adjustable Vacuum Hose


Adjustable Vacuum Hose, available in 2 1/2″ diameter in one (1) foot adjustable segments and is self-supporting by popping together up to three (one foot) sections and choosing the nozzle best suited for your application. It is easy to position a hood close to the work area to collect fumes, smoke and particles at the source. Adjustable vacuum hose is designed to slip into 3″ ID diameter existing sheet metal duct or spiral pipe.

Hose is self-supporting up to 3 feet so it stays where you put it.

SKU: 81201 Category:


Adjustable Vacuum Hose, available in 2 1/2″ diameter in one (1) foot adjustable segments and is self-supporting by popping together up to three (one foot) sections and choosing the nozzle best suited for your application. It is easy to position a hood close to the work area to collect fumes, smoke and particles at the source. Adjustable vacuum hose is designed to slip into 3″ ID diameter existing sheet metal duct or spiral pipe.

Hose is self-supporting up to 3 feet so it stays where you put it.

Materials and Properties

Loc-Line®: Vacuum Hose and Fittings

Colors: Blue, Orange

Material: Acetal Copolymer

PVC Adapter: PVC


Yes: Acids under 150F, Alcohols, Aromatic Solvents, Gasoline, Grease, Hydrocarbons, Oils, Salt Solutions

No: Chlorine, Acetone, Chlorinated Solvents, Bases Strong, Ethyl Acetate, Water Hotter than 150F

Melting Point: 329°F

Maximum Operating Temperature: 170° F (Repeated exposure to this temperature will cause fatigue)

Please note that all applications have variables and conditions that will affect the maximum working pressures. Testing suitability for your application is always recommended.


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